當前位置:首頁 » 外匯黃金 » 人民幣匯率的變動翻譯
股票投資經濟學 2021-06-17 16:24:20


發布時間: 2021-06-13 09:53:18

『壹』 急求一篇關於人民幣匯率變動的英文文獻,要英文原文和中文翻譯,翻譯要5000字以上,跪謝各位大神了。。

5000字,Hell no!!

『貳』 請教英語高手!人民幣匯率變動對我國農產品出口的影響與對策,用英語怎麼說

the countermeasures against the effects on Chinese agricultursl procts exportation by the variation of RMB exchange rate

『叄』 求關於人民幣匯率變動帶來的影響,外文文獻,要英文原文和中文譯文


『肆』 人民幣匯率該怎麼翻譯成英文

exchange rate of RMB

『伍』 關於人民幣匯率走勢的英文翻譯

At present, the RMB exchange rate and the reasons for the trend analysis
In China's current economic situation, research on the basis of this paper analyzed the current RMB exchange rate movements, and demonstrates the necessity of the trend in the last chapter, this article attempts to look at and how to resolve the current issue of the RMB is facing pressure to find The answer, and return to the yuan.

『陸』 人民幣匯率變動原因
















『柒』 人民幣匯率的英文翻譯,請高手幫忙翻譯一下。

This paper from China's exchange rate changes on the history, present situation and future prospects, on the basis of the theory of exchange rate changes, changes in the renminbi from the internal and external environment, development trends of towels on the current RMB exchange rate changes and the future of China's economic impact . In recent years the first of China's RMB exchange rate changes and the reasons for the RMB exchange rate reform. And then focus on the appreciation of the RMB exchange rate on China's import and export trade, price levels, the impact of employment. In the short term the appreciation of the renminbi is not concive to the development of China's export trade, China's appreciation of the renminbi will bring greater pressure of deflation led to price instability, the appreciation of the RMB exchange rate will rece the profitability of Chinese enterprises, increasing employment pressure, and so on . However, long-term appreciation of the renminbi is concive to appropriate rece import costs and curb domestic inflation, stimulate consumption, accelerate structural adjustment, the promotion of foreign investment and rece trade friction and speed up China's economic development, improve China's comprehensive national strength. According to the final use of mathematical models of China's GDP data and analysis of the RMB exchange rate, the RMB exchange rate and GDP interaction with the development phase. However, attention should be paid to Western countries to take advantage of the RMB exchange rate issue big issue for the yuan to appreciate significantly, the appreciation of the renminbi would be too fast China's macroeconomy and agriculture, textiles, machinery, electronics and other instries adversely affected. Therefore, China must strengthen the renminbi exchange rate issue is China's own affairs and unyielding from other countries in the pressure on RMB exchange rate to prevent the problem of excessive administrative intervention, we should let the renminbi exchange rate changes real changes in response to China's economy

『捌』 請問「如遇美元對人民幣匯率調整,此價作相應調整,以匯率變動1%為基本單位」怎麼翻譯啊謝謝大家!

If the exchange rate of Us dollar to China's currency yuan is asted, an adjustment will be made on the price accordingly, with 1 percent of the astments on exchange rate as its basic unit.

『玖』 中國人民銀行人民幣匯率英語怎麼翻譯

The Renminbi (RMB)exchange rate of the People's Bank of China(PBC)

『拾』 英文翻譯:淺談人民幣匯率波動對我國經濟的影響

Talking simply about the influence on Chinese economy caused by the fluctuations of the RMB exchange rate