當前位置:首頁 » 外匯黃金 » 匯率合同簽訂日英文
股票投資經濟學 2021-06-17 16:24:20


發布時間: 2021-04-13 07:18:31

1. 哪位知道「匯率」的英文縮寫

exchange rate

2. 關於匯率方面的英文翻譯


3. 「美元匯率以當天為准」英文准備翻譯是

Dollar exchange rate, whichever is the day to

4. 請問: 外匯 標准牌價 買入價 賣出價 的英文翻譯。 及 當日/ 即時匯率的 英文 翻譯。

外匯:foreign exchange
標准牌價:the foreign exchange rate
買入價:buying price
賣出價:selling price
當日/ 即時匯率:daily exchange rate/current exchange rate

5. 「匯率」的英文如何翻譯

exchange rate

6. 合同翻譯(補充:我不是不懂英語 機器翻譯的就不要進來了)


7. 幫翻譯幾句外貿合同的英文

Rate of exchange: If the U.S. dollar, or VND payment, according to the same day U.S.: RMB or VND: RMB exchange rate.

Deposit agreement:
a. The buyer delay in the delivery of deposit, the seller can be extended to fulfill contractual obligations.
b. The buyer non-performance of contractual obligations, no right to demand the return of the deposit; the seller non-performance of contractual obligations, should be twice the return of the deposit.
Compensation for the losses:
A party does not fulfill the contract or agreement does not meet its contractual obligations, causing losses to the other party, shall be liable under breach of contract caused losses to the other party, including the performance of the contract after the available benefits.

8. 遠期外匯合約合同簽訂日、起算日、確定日、結算日、到期日都代表什麼


9. 能幫忙翻譯一下英文商務合同中的"以支付日匯率為基準"嗎,謝謝啦

Take pays Japan the exchange rate as the datum